Raw Food FAQs

 What Are Raw Foods?
Raw foods are uncooked vegan foods, preferably organic and unprocessed, that have not been heated up beyond 115⁰F.  It is believed that once the food is cooked beyond that point, it loses significant nutritional value, important enzymes and can even be harmful to the body. Raw foods include:
-fruits and vegetables
-nuts and seeds
-sprouted grains and beans
-oils, herbs and spices

Why Are Raw Foods SOOOO Important?!?
The standard american diet is so full of preservatives, extra sodium, sugar, trans fat, and pesticides! Incorporating raw foods in you diet not only limits your intake of those but can bring about a whole range of benefits including:
- weight management
-better nutrient absorbance
-digestive regularity
-increasing energy
-clearer mentality
-better skin
-disease prevention
-improved immunity and organ function

As you eat cleaner, you’re also helping the world you live in.  Less packaging, greenhouse gases, pollution, and are some of the amazing side effects that you help initiate.  You can also learn how to make nutrient packed compost out of your vegetable and fruit scraps which creates less garbage.

The transition of incorporating raw foods in your diet doesn’t have to be complicated or extreme. The idea is to start out slow and keep it SIMPLE. Become friends with your local farmer’s markets.  Learn where you can buy the freshest, non-GMO organic ingredients.  Look at labels - if it contains more than 5 ingredients or your grandma can’t pronounce the ingredients, don’t buy it!  Even foods that are labeled vegan can be full of GMOs and preservatives. By beginning  to make your own simple smoothies, dressings, and soups, you are already taking the easiest steps to make your body healthier and happier.  A 100% raw food diet isn’t for everyone, but a diet composed of 50-90% raw foods can be extremely beneficial. Once you’ve started, notice what works for you and how you feel. Always eat a variety of foods in order to ensure adequate nourishing of your body, but you can always adapt the recipes to your personal preference.  In time, hopefully you’ll see that not only are you saving your health, you are actually SAVING MONEY by making these recipes instead of buying over-processed versions off the shelves.

However, each person is different and how you react to a particular food or product may be different than someone else.  Set realistic goals, don't immediately stop taking medications, and make sure to get enough calories. Even though changing your diet and lifestyle is a holistic approach, don't stop seeing your physician. I am constantly reevaluating what and what does not work for my health and body.

One should eat to live, not live to eat. -Moliere


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